Jumat, 17 Agustus 2018

Chef Cookbook Gem Dependency

Chef cookbook dependencies - learn chef in simple and easy steps starting from basic to templates, plain ruby with chef dsl, ruby gems with recipes. Cookbook directories and metadata to set a dependency a cookbook specifies a gem dependency to be installed via the chef_gem resource after all cookbooks. Mysql2_chef_gem changelog 1.1.0 (2016-04-27) added a chefignore file; loosen the dependency on mysql cookbook to allow for the use of the latest version.

Devops & Configuration management tools

Devops & configuration management tools

Continuous Integration with Chef by samueltbrown

Continuous integration with chef by samueltbrown

Chef / chef. code. issues 557. pull hostname-validation lcg/flip-chef-gem-default lcg/gc-inspection lcg/git a dependency on another cookbook,. Bloomberg / chef-umami. code. from your favorite gem source via: chef exec gem install to do the bulk of the work resolving cookbooks and their dependencies.. Chef ruby gems with recipes - learn chef in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including overview, architecture, version control system setup, workstation, client, test kitchen, knife, solo setup, cookbooks, cookbook dependencies, environment variable, roles, chef client as daemon, shell, testing.

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